Fund Linked Notes

Unlock EU Market Access with Fund Linked Notes

Are you a fund manager struggling to market your fund to EU investors due to passporting restrictions? Our company offers a seamless solution to expand your reach and tap into the European market. By repackaging your existing fund into a structured security, known as a Fund Linked Note, we can list it on EUWAX Stuttgart – the largest exchange for structured securities in Europe. Fund-Linked Notes issued under our approved issuance programme not only grants passporting distribution rights across Europe and several Asian countries, but also provides numerous benefits to your investment strategy.

What are Fund Linked Notes?

Fund Linked Notes are innovative structured securities that mirror the performance of an underlying fund or a basket of underlying funds. Unlike traditional fund units, these notes benefit from passporting rights, allowing them to be marketed and distributed throughout the European Union. In case of single-fund Fund-Linked Notes the distribution is limited to professional investors and private placement to several retail investors – in case of a basket of funds marketing rights can be granted even for retail public offerings. This is an ideal solution for fund managers looking to overcome regulatory hurdles and attract European and Asian investors.

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Investors can invest in ETIs by simply buying them on the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, just as easily as buying a share or an ETF. They can either purchase ETIs through their regular bank/broker or use international online brokers such as Interactive Brokers or Swissquote.

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Stock Exchange — ETIs trade on the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, the largest exchange globally for Structured Investment Products and Actively Managed Certificates.

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iMaps ETI Platform — iMaps ETI AG issues the ETI units under an approved base prospectus for the issuance of Exchange Traded Instruments. iMaps passports the offering into the desired European countries, lists the ETI units on the stock exchange, and invests the proceeds from the issuance into the underlying assets. These underlying assets are pledged to Intertrust Group for the benefit of the ETI Investors to protect them from any Issuer Risk.

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Segregated Portfolio — iMaps instructs the creation of a Segregated Portfolio by its subsidiary for each ETI, and the designated Segregated Portfolio serves as the underlying for the ETI units. The Segregated Portfolio is set up as a feeder into the fund or portfolio of funds and simply invests the proceeds into the underlying fund or portfolio of funds.

Fund Linked Notes Advantages

Why Choose Our Fund Linked Note Services?

Regulatory Compliance and Market Access

Listing your Fund Linked Notes on Europe’s largest exchange for structured securities ensures compliance with EU regulations and grants you passporting distribution rights across all EU member states and Switzerland as well as Private Placement Rights in the United Kingdom and several Asian countries like Singapore, Hong Kong and Dubai.

A listing on a major European exchange boosts the visibility and credibility of your fund, making it more attractive to investors.

Repackaging your existing fund into a Fund Linked Note is a cost-effective way to gain access to the EU market without the need for complex and expensive fund restructuring.

Fund Linked Notes allow you to maintain your original investment strategy while benefiting from the advantages of a structured security.

Our experienced team handles the entire process, from structuring the security to listing it on the exchange, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for you.

Fund Linked Notes Process

How Does the Process Work?

Consultation and Strategy Assessment

We begin with a detailed consultation to understand your fund’s strategy and objectives, ensuring that a Fund Linked Note is the right solution for you.

Our experts structure the Fund Linked Note, aligning it with your fund’s performance and compliance requirements.

We list the Fund Linked Note on EUWAX Stuttgart, Europe’s largest exchange for structured securities, granting it EU-wide passporting rights.

We provide continuous support and monitoring to ensure your Fund Linked Note remains compliant and attractive to investors.

Fund Linked Notes Benefits

Who Can Benefit from Fund Linked Notes?

Hedge Funds

Overcome distribution barriers and attract European investors with a listed Fund Linked Note.

Private Equity Funds

Gain visibility and credibility by listing your Fund Linked Note on a major European exchange.

Mutual Funds

Expand your market reach and comply with EU regulations effortlessly.

Real Estate Funds

Leverage the advantages of structured securities to attract a broader investor base.

Get in Touch

Contact Us Today

Ready to unlock the European market with a Fund Linked Note? Contact us today to learn how we can help you repackage your existing fund and achieve seamless EU distribution. Our team of experts is here to guide you through the process and ensure your success in the European market.

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